Safety Color Coating

Color is the quick, safe and effective way to designate your workplace. For example, yellow indicates caution and red clearly labels fire-safety equipment, machinery “stop” switches, and alarms. With these bright shortcuts, employees can work efficiently and safely in their environment.

Creating a safety-conscious work environment reduces both injuries and illness, and improves employee safety and productivity. A bright, well-marked and safe work environment also creates peace of mind during day-to-day operations.

OSHA Paint Color Guidelines

Color is a vitally important feature of a safe workplace, and choosing the right color for your commercial, industrial or warehouse space is crucial. Our specialized contractors know OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) guidelines and integrate that expertise when helping you choose the right color and designs for your work environment.

Whether you need a new, safety-conscious color for your equipment on the factory floor, or you need directional signs added to the pavement or doorways of your manufacturing facility, Kneisley Painting has the color, high-quality coatings and trained contractors to perform the job.

Add Safety Colors to your Workplace

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